
PATH is a platform for creating and sharing short-form videos (the “Platform”). This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") applies to the personal information that PATH processes in connection with the Platform and other PATH-related applications, websites, products, and services that link to or reference this Privacy Policy (collectively, the "Services").

Data Controller: If you live in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the UK, or Switzerland, PATH controls any information processed in connection with this Privacy Policy.

What Information We Collect

We collect three categories of information: Information You ProvideAutomatically Collected Information, and Information From Other Sources. More detail about each of the categories is provided below.

Information You Provide

Automatically Collected Information

Information From Other Sources

How We Use Your Information

We use your information to operate, provide, develop, and improve our Services, including for the following purposes. You can find more detail in “Our Legal Bases and How We Process Your Information”.

How We Share Your Information

Service Providers

We engage service providers that help us provide, support, and develop our Services and understand how they are used. They provide services such as cloud hosting, content delivery, customer and technical support, content moderation, marketing, analytics, and online payment. We share Information You ProvideAutomatically Collected Information, and Information From Others with these service providers as necessary to enable them to provide their services.


Integration Partners: When you choose to access third party services from our Platform, we may share your Usage Information with third party partners to help them integrate with PATH technology and to provide you with a seamless experience.

Third Party Platforms. We partner with third party platforms (such as Facebook or Google) to offer you a seamless log-in and content sharing experience. We share information with these third party platforms when you want to use these features. For example, if you choose to:

Advertising Partners

Advertisers: We provide advertisers with aggregate information about how their ads have performed to help them measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. We create this aggregate information using Technical Information and Usage Information relating to how you engage with ads on our Platform, and Information From Other Sources. We share your information directly with advertisers where you give us your permission.

Measurement and Data partners: We also share Technical Information and Usage Information with third party measurement providers who help us measure advertising on our Platform and help our advertisers determine how effective their ads have been.

Our Corporate Group

As a global company, our Services are supported by a number of affiliated entities within our corporate group (“Corporate Group”). We share Information You ProvideAutomatically Collected Information, and Information From Others with our Corporate Group as necessary to enable them to provide important functions such as cloud hosting, content delivery, security, research and development, analytics, online payments, customer and technical support, and content moderation.


We share your information in other limited scenarios as follows.

Other users and the public: Based on your privacy settings, your Profile Information and User Content may be visible to other users of the Platform and the public. You can learn about account types and privacy settings, including how to limit the audience for your videos, here. Your profile and content may also be visible to third parties, such as search engines, content aggregators, and news sites. You may choose to share information, such as text and photos, with others on the Platform using direct messaging.

Corporate transactions: Your information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganisation, financing, change of control, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.

Legal obligations and rights: We may access, preserve, and share the information described in "What Information We Collect" with law enforcement agencies, public authorities, copyright holders, or other third parties if we have good faith belief that it is necessary to:

To learn more about how we handle requests from law enforcement agencies and public authorities, see our Law Enforcement Guidelines.

Our Legal Bases and How We Process Your Information

We may only use your information when we have a “legal basis” to do so. We use different legal bases depending on why we use your information (in other words, the “purpose” of our processing). These legal bases involve contractual necessity, legitimate interests (ours, yours or those of another party), consent, compliance with a legal obligation, performing a task in the public interest, and protection of vital interests.

Here we explain the legal bases we rely on when we process your information. This section also describes why we use your information, how this information is processed, the categories of information involved, and the associated rights (which always includes the right to access your information). For more information on how to exercise any of your rights, please check out the “Your Rights and Choices” section in the Privacy Policy.

Contractual Necessity

We use Information You ProvideAutomatically Collected Information, and Information From Other Sources where it is necessary to perform the contract you enter into (our Terms) when you register for, access, or use our Services. This means we use your information to:

Your Rights: Whenever we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for the contract we have with you, you have the right to port information you have provided to us.

Legitimate Interests

We use your information where this is necessary to achieve legitimate interests - whether belonging to us, you, or a third party - provided these interests are not outweighed by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. We use your information to:

Enable your videos to be used in interactive features.

Suggest your account to other users.

Provide all users with non-personalised advertising.

Measure the effectiveness of advertising.

Ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

Ensure the security and stability of our Services.

Review, improve and develop our Services.

Share your information with third parties to provide additional features.

Marketing communications.

Your Rights: Whenever we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for Legitimate Interests, you can object to, and request restriction of, such usage.

Your Consent

We ask for your consent to access or use your information for specific purposes. If we do, you’ll always be able to revoke your consent through the device permissions or in-app settings.

Personalised advertising.

Your rights: Whenever we use your information based on your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, your withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing your information based on your consent prior to your withdrawal of consent. You can withdraw your consent for personalised ads by following these instructions.

You also have the right to port information you have provided to us that we use based on your consent.

Compliance with a legal obligation

We may use your information including your Profile Information or User Content where it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation. This includes situations where we have obligations to take measures to ensure the safety of our users or comply with a valid legal request such as an order from law enforcement agencies or courts. We generally use Information You Provide and Automatically Collected Information, although it depends on the specific situation.

To perform a task in the public interest

We may use your information where it is necessary to perform a task in the public interest, including undertaking research, preventing and detecting crime, safeguarding children and promoting public safety, security, and integrity as laid down by applicable law. We generally use Information You Provide and Automatically Collected Information, although it depends on the specific situation.

Your rights: When we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for a task carried out in the public interest, you have the right to object to, and seek restriction of, our usage.

To protect someone's vital interests

We may use your information where it is necessary to protect your or someone else's life, physical integrity, or safety. This could include providing law enforcement agencies or emergency services with information in urgent situations to protect health or life. We generally provide Information You Provide and Automatically Collected Information, although it depends on the specific situation.

Your Rights and Choices

You have rights and choices when it comes to your information. Some of these rights apply generally, while others will only apply in certain circumstances. Depending on the scenario, these rights may be subject to some limitations.

Access your information: You can ask us, free of charge, to confirm what information we process about you, to provide certain information about the processing, and for a copy of your information. In-app controls enable you to:

Delete your information: You can delete or ask us to delete some or all of your information. In-app controls enable you to:

Rectify your information: You can change or ask us to change or correct your information where that information is not accurate. You can change or correct much of your information through the in-app controls and settings (such as your Profile Information and video content).

Port your information: You have the right to data portability in circumstances where we rely on contractual necessity and consent as our legal basis. This means that you have the right to receive your information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to share it with a third party. You can exercise your right of portability by choosing to ‘Download your data’ in your settings. Click >here for detailed instructions.

Object to the processing of your information: You also have the right to object to the processing of your information in certain circumstances. The right to object applies when the processing you are objecting to is relying on legitimate interest or public interests as a legal basis. In submitting an objection request, you should explain what specific processing activity you are objecting to and why the processing should be stopped. We will stop the particular processing if we don't have compelling legitimate grounds to continue that processing or don’t need it for legal claims.

Restrict the processing of your information: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your information where (a) you are challenging the accuracy of the information, (b) the information has been unlawfully processed, but you are opposing the deletion of that information, (c) where you need the information to be retained for the pursuit or defence of a legal claim, or (d) you have objected to processing and you are awaiting the outcome of that objection request.

Exercising your rights: To exercise any of the above rights, please contact us through our . Before we can respond to a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you may be required to verify your identity or your account details or provide additional information so that we can understand the issue.

We encourage you to contact us if you are not satisfied with how we have responded to any of your rights requests. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Irish Data Protection Commission (PATH Ireland’s lead supervisory authority) or with your local supervisory authority.

In addition to these rights, you can control privacy settings for your account. Click  for more information.

Data Security and Retention

Security of your information is important to us. We maintain appropriate technical, administrative, and physical security measures that are designed to protect your information from unauthorized access, theft, disclosure, modification, or loss. We regularly review our security measures to consider available new technology and methods.

We retain information for as long as necessary to provide our Services and for the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We also retain information when necessary to comply with contractual and legal obligations, when we have a legitimate business interest to do so (such as improving and developing our Services, and enhancing the safety, security and stability of our Services), and for the exercise or defence of legal claims.

The retention periods will be different depending on the type of information and the purposes for which we use the information. For example, when we process your information to provide you with the Service, we keep this information for as long as you have a PATH account. This information includes your Profile InformationUser Content, and Direct Messages. If you infringe our Guidelines or Terms, we may remove your Profile Information and/or User Content from public view immediately but keep your information as is necessary to process the infringement.

Our Global Operations and Data Transfers

To support our global operations, we share your information with members of our Corporate Group and other entities outside of your country of residence as described in the “How We Share Your Information” section. These entities are committed to using and storing information in compliance with applicable privacy laws and to implementing appropriate security measures to protect your information.

When we transfer your information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, we ensure it benefits from an adequate level of data protection by:

Younger Users

You must be at least 13 years old to use the Services. If you believe that we have information about someone younger than this, please contact us via the details set out in the “Contact Us” section below.

To provide users younger than 18 with an age-appropriate experience, certain features are not available. Further details are available in our Help Centre.

If you are the guardian of a teen, our Safety Centre contains information and resources to help you understand the Platform and the tools and controls you and your teen can turn on together.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes to this policy by a notice provided through the Platform or by other means.